The Flivver King

The Flivver King


Upton Sinclair

Teachers and parents! Our Teacher Edition on The Flivver King makes teaching easy.

The Flivver King: Chapter 1 Summary & Analysis

Henry Ford is working on a “horseless carriage” in his backyard. While the adults in the neighborhood dismiss Ford as an eccentric inventor, kids like Abner Shutt are excited about his contraption. The carriage runs on four bicycle wheels and a new kind of engine, which is powered by gasoline. Hearing the loud chemical reactions from Ford’s garage, his neighbors think that Ford is going to blow himself up, but the kids eagerly come out to watch him work. Ford insists that when he finishes the engine, there will be roads full of the horseless carriages.
The opening of The Flivver King introduces the brand-new technology that will be central to the book—so new that it doesn’t have a name yet. Ford recognizes how the “horseless carriage,” or car, as it will come to be known, has the potential to revolutionize modern society.
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