The Flivver King

The Flivver King


Upton Sinclair

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United Auto Workers (UAW) Term Analysis

The United Auto Workers is an American labor union that represents workers in the automobile industry. It was founded in the 1930s with the goal of negotiating for higher wages and better safety regulations for auto workers. In The Flivver King, the UAW pays Tom Jr. to help organize the Ford workers. In real life, the UAW published The Flivver King in 1937, hoping to use the book to convince Ford employees to unionize. Ford eventually agreed to enter an agreement with the union in 1941.

United Auto Workers (UAW) Quotes in The Flivver King

The The Flivver King quotes below are all either spoken by United Auto Workers (UAW) or refer to United Auto Workers (UAW). For each quote, you can also see the other terms and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Capitalism and Dehumanization Theme Icon
Chapter 76 Quotes

There was a new stirring in labor all over the country; a demand for unions organized according to industries and not according to crafts. It was an old idea, which had had to wait for the workers to realize the need. In the midst of mass poverty and mass unemployment thousands of workers in the Detroit area had started discussing this fundamental idea, that there must be one big union of workers in the motor-car industry, regardless of what kind of work they did. Henry Ford, master of the labor of two hundred thousand men, would deal with one union of that number, and not with a hundred small unions.

Related Characters: Henry Ford, Tom “Tommy” Shutt Jr., Franklin Delano Roosevelt (F.D.R.)
Page Number: 101
Explanation and Analysis:
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United Auto Workers (UAW) Term Timeline in The Flivver King

The timeline below shows where the term United Auto Workers (UAW) appears in The Flivver King. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 81
American Idealism and Disillusionment Theme Icon
Individualism vs. Unionization Theme Icon
The labor movement spreads all over the country, and the United Auto Workers (the auto workers’ union) is now paying organizers, so Tom Jr. goes into the neighborhoods... (full context)