The Flivver King

The Flivver King


Upton Sinclair

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The Flivver King: Chapter 90 Summary & Analysis

The final dance is an old quadrille. As Ford dances, he beams with pride and joy. While Tom Jr. and Dell drive home, another car suddenly forces him off the road. Five men emerge from the car and swarm Tom’s car. Tom gets out and tries to defend himself, while Dell screams for help. One of the men throws her to the ground and jams her face into the mud, while the other men beat Tom mercilessly before jumping into their car and speeding away.
This split scene in particular demonstrates how the capitalist system has ripped people—but particularly the working class—of their humanity. While these men beat Tom for requesting basic human rights, the king who sanctions these actions is a world away, completely carefree, concerned only with his diversions.
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