The Flivver King

The Flivver King


Upton Sinclair

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Henry “Hank” Shutt Character Analysis

Hank (who is named after Henry Ford) is Abner and Milly’s second child and John, Daisy, and Tom Jr.’s brother. Hank is a troublemaker even in childhood—he skips school, runs away from home, and even gets arrested for his involvement in a gang. As an adult, Hank works as a bootlegger, illegally smuggling alcohol into Detroit. Hank becomes very successful this way and is the only Shutt child not to lose his job during the Great Depression, suggesting that only those who give up their idealism and morals are able to fulfill the American Dream. He even branches out, working with politicians to ensure that they are elected by intimidating voters. When Ford expands his security at the factories due to the unemployed workers’ resentment, Hank becomes a part of his security team of ex-criminals and makes sure that the workers in the factory do not unionize.

Henry “Hank” Shutt Quotes in The Flivver King

The The Flivver King quotes below are all either spoken by Henry “Hank” Shutt or refer to Henry “Hank” Shutt. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Capitalism and Dehumanization Theme Icon
Chapter 44 Quotes

He talked about the matter to the children, also, and warned them to have nothing to do with this evil race. It so happened that the boy who had led the gang of freight-car robbers had been named Levy, and of course that explained everything. It made Abner more inclined to mercy for his son, and Abner talked with him and got the names of men who were making money out of gambling, whiskey, and dope-selling in their home town. Some were Jewish names and some were not, but it was the Jews whom Abner fixed in his mind.

Related Characters: Henry Ford, Abner Shutt, Henry “Hank” Shutt
Page Number: 58
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 58 Quotes

Such things do not seem much to outsiders, but they are what break the spirit of poor people who have always earned what they spent and kept themselves “respectable.” Abner had come now to the point where he had to forget that his second son was a bootlegger and a gangster, and let Milly take gratefully whatever money Hank brought.

Related Characters: Abner Shutt, Henry “Hank” Shutt, Milly Crock Shutt, Tom Shutt Sr.
Page Number: 78
Explanation and Analysis:
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Henry “Hank” Shutt Quotes in The Flivver King

The The Flivver King quotes below are all either spoken by Henry “Hank” Shutt or refer to Henry “Hank” Shutt. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Capitalism and Dehumanization Theme Icon
Chapter 44 Quotes

He talked about the matter to the children, also, and warned them to have nothing to do with this evil race. It so happened that the boy who had led the gang of freight-car robbers had been named Levy, and of course that explained everything. It made Abner more inclined to mercy for his son, and Abner talked with him and got the names of men who were making money out of gambling, whiskey, and dope-selling in their home town. Some were Jewish names and some were not, but it was the Jews whom Abner fixed in his mind.

Related Characters: Henry Ford, Abner Shutt, Henry “Hank” Shutt
Page Number: 58
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 58 Quotes

Such things do not seem much to outsiders, but they are what break the spirit of poor people who have always earned what they spent and kept themselves “respectable.” Abner had come now to the point where he had to forget that his second son was a bootlegger and a gangster, and let Milly take gratefully whatever money Hank brought.

Related Characters: Abner Shutt, Henry “Hank” Shutt, Milly Crock Shutt, Tom Shutt Sr.
Page Number: 78
Explanation and Analysis: