The Flivver King

The Flivver King


Upton Sinclair

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The Flivver King: Chapter 72 Summary & Analysis

At this time, Tom Jr. gets involved in a club at college that is opposed to “War and Fascism.” As a result, old members of the KKK come to Abner’s door and inform him that his son is a “Red” (a communist). They explain that they are happy to help Abner beat his son and that they have started a new group called the Black Legion that is devoted to opposing communism and anarchy. Meanwhile, in Dearborn, Ford organizes a group called the Knights of Dearborn that helps him do political work, spying, and any “rough stuff” that he might need. This group instills paranoia in the plant, as workers are constantly observing and spying on each other—even three men talking together represents a conspiracy.
Reading the Dearborn Independent years ago continues to have far-reaching consequences on Abner’s life. The KKK keeps tabs on both Abner and Tom, and as a result, Abner comes into contact with an even more violent group. At the same time, Ford also resorts to violence in order to maintain his power and sense of safety. He also tries to sow division between the workers so that they do not group together to unionize.
Capitalism and Dehumanization Theme Icon
Misinformation, Media Bias, and Ignorance Theme Icon
Individualism vs. Unionization Theme Icon