The Flivver King

The Flivver King


Upton Sinclair

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Daisy is Abner and Milly’s third child and John, Hank, and Tom Jr.’s sister. Daisy attends business college and dreams of being a stenographer in an office, but she ends up working for a company that makes Ford cushions and marries a bookkeeper. During the Great Depression, all married women working at Ford’s lose their jobs, and Ford reduces Daisy’s husband’s work to one or two days a week, so she is forced to move back in with Abner and Milly. She becomes very disillusioned by Ford’s practices and frustrated that she is not able to achieve her dreams.
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Daisy Shutt Character Timeline in The Flivver King

The timeline below shows where the character Daisy Shutt appears in The Flivver King. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 11
Capitalism and Dehumanization Theme Icon
American Idealism and Disillusionment Theme Icon
Technology and Progress Theme Icon
...of whom four survive: three boys (John, Henry “Hank,” and Tom Jr.) and a girl (Daisy). While Abner and Milly are fulfilling their dream, Ford is fulfilling his: to make sure... (full context)
Chapter 24
American Idealism and Disillusionment Theme Icon
...everything his father does and says. The second boy, Hank makes constant trouble for Milly. Daisy is a sweet and gentle eight-year-old, and Abner can tell that the youngest, Tommy, is... (full context)
Chapter 47
American Idealism and Disillusionment Theme Icon
...of extra money for Milly. The only person who really knows about Hank’s work is Daisy; he confides in her that the police and politicians are all crooked, and that anyone... (full context)
American Idealism and Disillusionment Theme Icon
Daisy, meanwhile, is studying at a business college so that she can become a stenographer and... (full context)
Chapter 53
American Idealism and Disillusionment Theme Icon
...the daughter of his department head, Annabelle, and buys a home in an elegant neighborhood. Daisy now works in an office of a company that makes cushions for Ford cars, earning... (full context)
Chapter 57
Misinformation, Media Bias, and Ignorance Theme Icon
John and Hank keep their jobs, but Daisy has just married a bookkeeper who works for Ford. Afterwards, Daisy’s superior tells her that... (full context)
Chapter 67
Capitalism and Dehumanization Theme Icon
Misinformation, Media Bias, and Ignorance Theme Icon
Individualism vs. Unionization Theme Icon defend the plant or Hank might have been in the crowd spotting Ford’s enemies. Daisy scolds Abner for attending the march, explaining that he could have gotten his kids fired... (full context)
Chapter 68
American Idealism and Disillusionment Theme Icon
...most of the time, and they no longer have money for a doctor or medicine. Daisy runs the house now, though she is unhappy after having a baby that she didn’t... (full context)
Chapter 73
Capitalism and Dehumanization Theme Icon
Misinformation, Media Bias, and Ignorance Theme Icon
Individualism vs. Unionization Theme Icon
Tom Jr. graduates from college with a great sense of idealism. Daisy is the only one who attends Tom’s graduation ceremony, and as they drive home Tom... (full context)
Chapter 74
Capitalism and Dehumanization Theme Icon
Individualism vs. Unionization Theme Icon
As Daisy and Tom Jr. drive home, she asks what he’s going to do next, and he... (full context)
Chapter 78
Capitalism and Dehumanization Theme Icon also worried that Ford might think Hank is involved in Tom’s plans. Hank asks Daisy to try to convince Tom to find a job some other place, but when Daisy... (full context)
Chapter 80
Misinformation, Media Bias, and Ignorance Theme Icon
Individualism vs. Unionization Theme Icon the family, and though they are wary of her politics—like Tom, she is a “Red”—Daisy and Abner instantly like her. Abner is surprised to see that she is obviously very... (full context)