The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society

The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society


Ann Shaffer

Sidney's second secretary of the novel. She's a slightly older woman who at first appears to be kind and maternal. She sends Kit paper dolls and is very sweet and accommodating in her correspondence with Juliet. When she arrives on Guernsey in Sidney's stead to fetch the letters written by Oscar Wilde, however, Juliet learns the truth: Billee Bee is actually Gilly Gilbert's lover and co-conspirator, and she hopes to steal the letters for Gilly. As Billee Bee tries to leave the island, Isola and Kit accost her and manage to take the letters back.
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Billee Bee Jones Character Timeline in The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society

The timeline below shows where the character Billee Bee Jones appears in The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Part Two, 10th June, 1946
Family, Parenting, and Legitimacy Theme Icon
Juliet thanks Sidney: his new secretary, Billee Bee Jones, sent two books of paper dolls for Kit, as well as a pair of... (full context)
Part Two, 5th August, 1946
Family, Parenting, and Legitimacy Theme Icon
...leaves her letters on his desk, she reads them. She wants to assure Juliet that Billee Bee isn't running errands and sending things because Sidney asked her to—she's disgustingly devoted to Sidney... (full context)
Part Two, 13th and 14th August, 1946
Literature and Connection Theme Icon
Family, Parenting, and Legitimacy Theme Icon
Sidney writes Juliet and says that according to Billee Bee 's research, Oscar Wilde did visit Jersey in 1893, so it's possible he stopped in... (full context)
Part Two, 20th August, 1946
Family, Parenting, and Legitimacy Theme Icon
Billee Bee sends Juliet a telegram explaining that Sidney has been called to Rome and asked her... (full context)
Part Two, 22nd August, 1946
Family, Parenting, and Legitimacy Theme Icon
Juliet writes Sophie that Sidney is getting too important, given that he's sent Billee Bee to collect the letters. Billee Bee was very seasick upon arrival but has been a... (full context)
Part Two, 23rd August, 1946
Literature and Connection Theme Icon
War, Hunger, and Humanity Theme Icon
Juliet sends Sidney a scathing letter, berating him for sending Billee Bee to collect the letters. Billee Bee said that Sidney requested the originals, and Isola would... (full context)
Part Two, 24th August, 1946
Literature and Connection Theme Icon
Family, Parenting, and Legitimacy Theme Icon
Susan sends a frantic telegram to Juliet instructing her to not allow Billee Bee to take the letters. Stephens & Stark's new sub-editor saw Billee Bee with Gilly Gilbert... (full context)
Part Two, 24th August, 1946, 2:00 a.m.
Literature and Connection Theme Icon
Family, Parenting, and Legitimacy Theme Icon
Juliet thanks Susan for her tip about Billee Bee . The telegram came just in time: Kit and Isola were out gathering herbs early... (full context)
Literature and Connection Theme Icon
Kit had the envelope of letters and a gift from Billee Bee in her hands—a quilted ferret—and Juliet was thrilled to see that the letters were safe.... (full context)
Literature and Connection Theme Icon
Family, Parenting, and Legitimacy Theme Icon
...wearing a uniform jacket, with Remy carrying a hoe. Booker growled that he wouldn't arrest Billee Bee , but he'd make sure she left the island. Billee Bee took the toy ferret... (full context)
Part Two, 26th August, 1946
Family, Parenting, and Legitimacy Theme Icon
Susan replies to Juliet and says that Gilly and Billee Bee wanted the letters to exact revenge for when Sidney humiliated Gilly following the teapot incident.... (full context)
Part Two, 29th August, 1946
Literature and Connection Theme Icon
Family, Parenting, and Legitimacy Theme Icon
War, Hunger, and Humanity Theme Icon in Isola's biscuit tin. Juliet says that she was calm the day they discovered Billee Bee , but that evening, she began to get nervous. Dawsey and Remy stopped to check... (full context)