The Power and the Glory


Graham Greene

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The Whisky Priest/The Stranger

The whisky priest is a flawed but principled Catholic priest who is traveling throughout Mexico, taking shelter where he can as he tries to evade the Red Shirts (Mexico’s ruling political party that has outlawed… read analysis of The Whisky Priest/The Stranger

The Lieutenant

The lieutenant is the man who leads the search for the whisky priest. Because of his negative experiences with religion as a young boy, the lieutenant despises Catholicism and wants to see it snuffed… read analysis of The Lieutenant

The Mestizo

The whisky priest meets the mestizo (the word “mestizo” refers to someone with mixed Spanish and indigenous Mexican heritage) on his travels. The priest quickly tries to get rid of him when the mestizo suggests… read analysis of The Mestizo


Luis is a teenage boy who is trying to figure out how his views toward religion. The religious stories his mother tells him are off-putting because they are idealized and, from his perspective, do not… read analysis of Luis

Coral Fellows

Coral is a young girl who provides shelter and food for the whisky priest, even though she knows doing so is dangerous. She also lies to the lieutenant when he comes looking for the… read analysis of Coral Fellows
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Minor Characters
Maria is Brigitta’s mother and the whisky priest’s former lover. At first, she likes her attachment to the whisky priest, until her town turns on him because the lieutenant takes hostages in his place.
Brigitta is the illegitimate daughter of the whisky priest and Maria. Brigitta is a cold and cruel girl who has little love for the whisky priest. The whisky priest blames himself as well as Brigitta’s difficult upbringing for the way she turned out.
The Police Chief
The police chief runs the police force in Mexico’s capital city, though he spends most of his time playing billiards. While he is not a cruel man, the police chief primarily cares about protecting his own image.
James Calver/The “Gringo” Criminal
James Calver is a wanted murderer from the United States who is trying to find a place to hide in Mexico. When Calver gets shot, the whisky priest sacrifices his own life in order to hear Calver’s confession.
Captain Fellows
Captain Fellows is the owner of a banana plantation, which he lives on with his wife, Mrs. Fellows, and his daughter, Coral. He finds life on the plantation idyllic until the whisky priest and the lieutenant disrupt it.
The Beggar
The beggar is a poor man the whisky priest meets in Mexico’s capital city. The beggar introduces the whisky priest to the Governor’s cousin.
Mr. Tench
Mr. Tench is a dentist living in Mexico. He meant to move to Mexico temporarily but became stuck when the value of the peso plummeted.
The Governor’s Cousin
The Governor’s cousin offers to sell the whisky priest wine. However, when the whisky priest purchases the wine from him, the Governor’s cousin passes it out to everyone in the room, leaving the whisky priest with none left for his sacraments.
The Native American Woman
The Native American woman is the mother of the fatally wounded Native American boy. She enlists the whisky priest to help carry her son’s dead body up the mountains.
The Native American Boy
The whisky priest finds the Native American boy by chance, bleeding out from a gunshot wound. After the boy dies, the priest helps his mother, a Native American woman, carry his body up the mountains.
Stranger with a Gun
The stranger with a gun appears as the whisky priest is hiking through the mountains. At this point, the whisky priest is exhausted and at the point of collapse. The man assures the priest that he means him no harm.
Luis’s Mother
Luis’s mother is a strict Catholic who insists on sharing her religion with her children even when it is outlawed in Mexico.
Luis’s Father
Luis’s father is a warm and intelligent man who does not cling to religion as strongly as Luis’s mother.
Padré Jose
Padré Jose is a former priest living in Mexico’s capital city. Although he feels guilty, he resists performing religious rituals for anyone in fear of getting killed.
Mrs. Fellows
Mrs. Fellows is the wife of Captain Fellows and the mother of Coral Fellows. She is often ill.
The Old Man
The old man shelters the whisky priest for a night. In return, the whisky priest hears his confession.
Juan is the martyr in the religious stories Luis’s mother tells her children. In the stories, Juan is perfect, always doing the right thing in the eyes of God.
Pedro Montez
Pedro Montez is a man whom the lieutenant takes hostage and eventually kills to get to the whisky priest.
Miguel is a young man from Maria’s village whom the lieutenant takes hostage.
The Beggar
The beggar is a poor man the whisky priest meets in the capital city. The beggar introduces the whisky priest to the Governor’s cousin.
Miss Lehr
Miss Lehr is Mr. Lehr’s sister. She helps care for the whisky priest after his perilous trip through the mountains.
Mr. Lehr
Mr. Lehr helps care for the whisky priest after he crosses the mountains.