The Wretched of the Earth


Frantz Fanon

Teachers and parents! Our Teacher Edition on The Wretched of the Earth makes teaching easy.
One of Fanon’s patients in the psychiatric hospital in Algeria during the Algerian War of Independence. The Algerian man is arrested for a “terrorist attack” after suffering a psychotic break. He is not involved with the rebellion in any way and is dedicated to his career in data processing. As a result, he begins to feel guilty for not participating in the national struggle and grows depressed and increasingly withdrawn. He begins to hallucinate and finds himself in the European sector of the city where Algerians are being harassed and arrested by police. He runs up to an officer screaming “I am an Algerian!” and attempts to take his gun. The Algerian man is beaten and sent to the hospital. After several weeks he begins to improve and is discharged.
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The Algerian Man Character Timeline in The Wretched of the Earth

The timeline below shows where the character The Algerian Man appears in The Wretched of the Earth. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 5: Series B
Colonialism, Racism, and Violence Theme Icon
Oppression and Mental Health Theme Icon
Case number two is a 22-year-old Algerian man , suffering from paranoid delusions and suicidal behavior after a “terrorist attack.” He is emaciated... (full context)
Colonialism, Racism, and Violence Theme Icon
Oppression and Mental Health Theme Icon
One day, the Algerian man went outside without a jacket or tie. He must have looked like a “madman” because... (full context)