Absalom, Absalom!


William Faulkner

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Major de Spain is the deputy sheriff of Jefferson at the time when Wash Jones murders Sutpen. Following the discovery of Sutpen’s body, de Spain and some other men, including General Compson, assemble around the stable where Wash Jones has barricaded himself, his granddaughter Milly, and Milly’s newborn. Wash Jones kills Milly, the baby, and himself. Though the other men claim they can hear Wash’s scythe slash Milly and the baby’s throats, de Spain claims not to have heard.
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Major de Spain Character Timeline in Absalom, Absalom!

The timeline below shows where the character Major de Spain appears in Absalom, Absalom!. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 7
The Limits of Ambition  Theme Icon
News of Wash’s murder of Sutpen spreads around town. Quentin’s grandfather, Major de Spain (the sheriff), and a group of other men assemble, bringing dogs with them. The group... (full context)