Chasing Lincoln’s Killer


James L. Swanson

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Colonel Everton Conger Character Analysis

A commander, along with Luther Byron Baker and Edward P. Doherty, of the forces which eventually discovered Booth and Herold. He ordered the tobacco barn burned to force Booth to come out, and was infuriated when Boston Corbett shot Booth. Conger received the largest sum from the reward money – $15,000 – after he rode quickly to Stanton to claim credit for the deed before all others.
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Colonel Everton Conger Character Timeline in Chasing Lincoln’s Killer

The timeline below shows where the character Colonel Everton Conger appears in Chasing Lincoln’s Killer. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 11
News, Information, and Misinformation Theme Icon
...other men. Colonel Baker would stay behind in Washington, but Edward Doherty, Luther Baker, and Everton Conger went by steamboat to Virginia. It was April 24, and the manhunters rode on... (full context)
News, Information, and Misinformation Theme Icon
Meanwhile, the cavalry divided forces to search Virginia farmhouses more quickly, with Everton Conger leading one column and Edward Doherty the other. It had taken Booth ten days... (full context)
Survival vs Principles Theme Icon
In Bowling Green, Doherty, Baker, and Conger found Willie Jett at the Star Hotel, just where William Rollins had said he might... (full context)
Survival vs Principles Theme Icon
Baker and Conger argued over what to do next. If they waited until morning, Booth would be able... (full context)
Survival vs Principles Theme Icon
Conger ordered the Garrett sons to pile straw on the side of the barn. Hearing the... (full context)
The Theatrical and The Real Theme Icon
Baker and Conger rushed into the barn to retrieve Booth. Booth was paralyzed and unable to speak as... (full context)
Planning, Conspiracy, and the Unexpected Theme Icon
Survival vs Principles Theme Icon
Booth begged to be put out of his misery, but Conger told him they wanted him to get well. Back in Washington, Stanton wanted to interrogate... (full context)
Survival vs Principles Theme Icon
Conger angrily demanded to know who had shot Booth. Boston Corbett stepped forward, saying he had... (full context)
Chapter 12
News, Information, and Misinformation Theme Icon
Survival vs Principles Theme Icon
...corpse into a blanket and put it into a wagon for transfer back to Washington. Conger rode ahead, hoping to be the first to tell Stanton the news that Booth was... (full context)
Chapter 13
Survival vs Principles Theme Icon
...the reward money. In the end, sums ranging from $500 to $15,000 were awarded to Conger, Doherty, Lafayette Baker, Luther Baker, and to the noncommissioned officers at the barn, including Boston... (full context)