Schindler’s List

Schindler’s List


Thomas Keneally

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Schindler’s List: Chapter 25 Summary & Analysis

Schindler begins to seem like a gambler, as his situation gets more and more precarious. One official who takes notice of Schindler is a physician named Dr. Sopp. He catches a woman with dubious Aryan papers whose husband has invested in Emalia and blackmails Schindler for 50,000 złotys. As always, Schindler remains inexact with money and doesn’t compensate himself with the money he gets from Sedlacek. In fact, when the Zionist organization tries to offer Schindler more money, some, like Bankier, are confused and think it’s a trap.
Thought Schindler is cunning, he can also be reckless. Sometimes his brazenness is an asset, particularly when it comes to charming new contacts, but in this case, it gets him in trouble. Schindler will have many more close calls like this before the war is over. Meanwhile, his refusal to keep any of the money Sedlacek gives him is a testament to his selflessness.
Virtue and Selflessness Theme Icon
Anti-Semitism and Dehumanization Theme Icon
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