Schindler’s List

Schindler’s List


Thomas Keneally

Teachers and parents! Our Teacher Edition on Schindler’s List makes teaching easy.
Lisiek is a Jewish orderly and a compatriot of Poldek Pfefferberg who meets an unfortunate early end at the hands of the Płaszów concentration camp leader Commandant Amon Goeth. Before Lisiek’s death, he and Pfefferberg get in trouble for trying to sneak through a room while Goeth is having sex. Ultimately, however, Lisiek is killed over an even more trivial matter: he saddles up a horse for Franz Bosch without asking for Goeth’s permission first.
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Lisiek Character Timeline in Schindler’s List

The timeline below shows where the character Lisiek appears in Schindler’s List. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Virtue and Selflessness Theme Icon
Anti-Semitism and Dehumanization Theme Icon
Power Theme Icon
Duty Theme Icon
Pfefferberg and an orderly named Lisiek are upstairs cleaning Goeth’s bathroom. Madritsch and Titsch drink coffee quickly and leave, with Schindler... (full context)
Virtue and Selflessness Theme Icon
Anti-Semitism and Dehumanization Theme Icon
Power Theme Icon
Duty Theme Icon
Schindler heads out, and in the bathroom, Pfefferberg and Lisiek overhear Goeth bringing a girl to his bedroom earlier than expected. They try to get... (full context)