Schindler’s List

Schindler’s List


Thomas Keneally

Teachers and parents! Our Teacher Edition on Schindler’s List makes teaching easy.

Mordecai Wulkan Character Analysis

Mordecai Wulkan is a jeweler who is approached by Spira’s OD about sorting through the mountains of valuables left behind by dead Jewish people. Later, his workshop provides a ring for the wedding of Josef Bau and Rebecca Tannenbaum in Płaszów. Wulkan makes Oskar Schindler’s list and survives the Holocaust.

Mordecai Wulkan Quotes in Schindler’s List

The Schindler’s List quotes below are all either spoken by Mordecai Wulkan or refer to Mordecai Wulkan . For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Virtue and Selflessness Theme Icon
Chapter 26 Quotes

Josef married Rebecca on a Sunday night of fierce cold in February. There was no rabbi. Mrs. Bau, Josef’s mother, officiated. They were Reformed Jews, so that they could do without a ketubbah written in Aramaic. In the workshop of Wulkan the jeweler someone had made up two rings out of a silver spoon Mrs. Bau had had hidden in the rafters. On the barracks floor, Rebecca circled Josef seven times and Josef crushed glass—a spent light bulb from the Construction Office—beneath his heel.

Related Characters: Mordecai Wulkan , Josef Bau , Rebecca Tannenbaum , Mrs. Bau
Page Number: 247
Explanation and Analysis:
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Mordecai Wulkan Quotes in Schindler’s List

The Schindler’s List quotes below are all either spoken by Mordecai Wulkan or refer to Mordecai Wulkan . For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Virtue and Selflessness Theme Icon
Chapter 26 Quotes

Josef married Rebecca on a Sunday night of fierce cold in February. There was no rabbi. Mrs. Bau, Josef’s mother, officiated. They were Reformed Jews, so that they could do without a ketubbah written in Aramaic. In the workshop of Wulkan the jeweler someone had made up two rings out of a silver spoon Mrs. Bau had had hidden in the rafters. On the barracks floor, Rebecca circled Josef seven times and Josef crushed glass—a spent light bulb from the Construction Office—beneath his heel.

Related Characters: Mordecai Wulkan , Josef Bau , Rebecca Tannenbaum , Mrs. Bau
Page Number: 247
Explanation and Analysis: