Schindler’s List

Schindler’s List


Thomas Keneally

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Sudeten Term Analysis

Sudeten is a term used to describe ethnic Germans from a politically contested region that belonged to Czechoslovakia in the time leading up to World War II. Oskar Schindler and his wife, Emilie, were both Sudeten Germans.
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Sudeten Term Timeline in Schindler’s List

The timeline below shows where the term Sudeten appears in Schindler’s List. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 36
Virtue and Selflessness Theme Icon
Anti-Semitism and Dehumanization Theme Icon
...of another one of Schindler’s wildly generous whims. Steinberg was a doctor in a small Sudeten work camp. He heard a rumor about Brinnlitz and visited the camp to see if... (full context)