Schindler’s List

Schindler’s List


Thomas Keneally

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Albert Hujar Character Analysis

Albert Hujar is a low-ranking SS officer who gets into an argument with a Jewish prisoner and is then ordered by Amon Goeth to shoot her. Reluctantly, he does. Later, he seems to have fewer reservations about carrying out executions, as he kills Dr. Blau along with all the patients in the hospital.
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Albert Hujar Character Timeline in Schindler’s List

The timeline below shows where the character Albert Hujar appears in Schindler’s List. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 19
Virtue and Selflessness Theme Icon
Anti-Semitism and Dehumanization Theme Icon
Power Theme Icon
Duty Theme Icon
Bureaucracy Theme Icon
...ordered an execution in front of his men that very morning. The lower-ranking SS officer Hujar had been in a disagreement with a Jewish woman about a flaw in the camp... (full context)
Chapter 20
Virtue and Selflessness Theme Icon
Anti-Semitism and Dehumanization Theme Icon
Power Theme Icon
Duty Theme Icon
Bureaucracy Theme Icon
...come to an end. Goeth is ready and confident that no one can touch him. Hujar goes to shut down a hospital full of young patients with scarlet fever, executing a... (full context)
Chapter 21
Anti-Semitism and Dehumanization Theme Icon
Power Theme Icon
Duty Theme Icon
Bureaucracy Theme Icon
...bundles of clothing. From their hiding place, they can hear the violent sounds of Goeth, Hujar, Pilarzik, and others executing people on the streets. (full context)
Chapter 26
Virtue and Selflessness Theme Icon
Anti-Semitism and Dehumanization Theme Icon
Power Theme Icon
Duty Theme Icon
Other romantic attachments sometimes form in the camp. In one case, the SS officer Hujar falls in love with a Jewish prisoner. When Goeth finds out, he orders Hujar to... (full context)