Schindler’s List

Schindler’s List


Thomas Keneally

Teachers and parents! Our Teacher Edition on Schindler’s List makes teaching easy.

Schindler’s List Symbols


In the novel, lists—both those that the Nazis make and Schindler’s titular list—represent the fragility of Jewish people’s fate under the Nazi regime. As the Holocaust gets underway in Nazi-occupied Poland, lists are what…

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The Color Red

The color red symbolizes the Nazis’ unfeeling brutality and remorselessness. Red is associated in particular with the young Jewish girl Genia, who wears red from head to toe. For her, the color has no…

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Schindler’s Birthday

Schindler’s birthday represents his personal transformation during and after World War II. The novel makes note of several of his birthdays over the years. His 34th birthday celebration in 1942, relatively early on in…

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