Schindler’s List

Schindler’s List


Thomas Keneally

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Adam Garde is a Jewish engineer in the concentration camp Płaszów whom Schindler recruits for Emalia. Commandant Amon Goeth allows the transfer but first makes Garde build a conservatory for him (and during the project, breaks Garde’s hand). Later, at Brinnlitz, Garde and Schindler listen to the radio intently after the attempted assassination of Adolph Hitler.
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Adam Garde Character Timeline in Schindler’s List

The timeline below shows where the character Adam Garde appears in Schindler’s List. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 22
Virtue and Selflessness Theme Icon
Anti-Semitism and Dehumanization Theme Icon
Power Theme Icon
Duty Theme Icon
Bureaucracy Theme Icon
Schindler requests help from a young engineer named Adam Garde. He tells Garde of his plan for six barracks to house up to 1,200 people.... (full context)
Virtue and Selflessness Theme Icon
Anti-Semitism and Dehumanization Theme Icon
Power Theme Icon
Duty Theme Icon
Goeth is cruel to Garde as he works on the conservatory, at one point shattering his hand. For the rest... (full context)
Chapter 29
Virtue and Selflessness Theme Icon
Power Theme Icon
Bureaucracy Theme Icon
Garde, Schindler’s engineer, also notices a change in him. He notices Schindler paying close attention to... (full context)