The End of the Affair


Graham Greene

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The End of the Affair: Book 2, Chapter 7 Summary & Analysis

The next day Bendrix takes Lance to Cedar Road to try to see Richard Smythe. Bendrix instructs Lance to pretend to be sick, and they walk up to Smythe’s apartment. As predicted, Miss Smythe answers the door and invites them in when she sees that Lance looks sick. Bendrix sits in the living room and talks to Miss Smythe for a few minutes. As they make small talk, she reveals that her brother works on Sundays, but is not a clergyman. Bendrix wonders what that might mean for a moment before Richard himself walks in. Bendrix is surprised to see that one of his cheeks is covered in “gross livid spots.” Even still, Bendrix wonders if Miss Smythe sits in a different room while Sarah and Richard have sex, or if they send Miss Smythe out for groceries.
Even though Richard fails to live up to the image Bendrix had in his mind of Sarah’s handsome new lover, Bendrix still immediately assumes that Sarah is sleeping with Richard. Furthermore, Bendrix makes Miss Smythe a conspirator in Sarah and Richard’s affair, assuming that she keeps out of the way so they can sleep together. 
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Richard looks closely at Bendrix and Lance before proclaiming that he’s seen Lance around somewhere. Bendrix tries to take Lance and leave, but Richard tries to convince them to stay. Every time Bendrix looks at Richard’s cheek, he feels his anger growing more and more. It seems “horribly bizarre” to Bendrix that Sarah would sleep with a man like Richard, and it seems to “diminish her importance” in Bendrix’s mind. Richard reveals that he is an atheist and that people sometimes visit him to talk about philosophy, but before he can go into more detail, Bendrix abruptly announces his departure but mentions that his friend Mrs. Miles might be interested. Richard’s face turns deep red and Miss Smythe exclaims, “Oh, my dear” as Bendrix shuts the door.
After the surprise of realizing that Richard does not have the perfect appearance that Bendrix believed he would, Bendrix becomes angry and bitter; he feels like it is a personal insult that Sarah would be with someone Bendrix considers uglier than himself. The reactions of Miss Smythe and Richard after Bendrix drops Sarah’s name seem to confirm Bendrix’s suspicion that Sarah is not only known there, but that she is important to them.
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