The End of the Affair


Graham Greene

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Miss Smythe Character Analysis

Richard Smythe’s sister, who lives with him. Miss Smythe and Richard invite people to their apartment to discuss atheism, and it is Miss Smythe’s job to help make those who come to visit feel comfortable. Having learned that Sarah spends a lot of time at the Smythes’ apartment, Bendrix takes Lance there one day in an effort to learn more about the nature of Sarah’s comings and goings. Bendrix pretends that Lance is sick, hoping that Miss Smythe will invite them inside to see Richard. Because Sarah had gone to the apartment so much to listen to Richard talk, Miss Smythe was familiar with Sarah. As Bendrix and Lance prepare to leave, Bendrix tells Richard that he should meet “a friend of [his], Mrs. Miles.” Miss Smythe immediately exclaims, “Oh, my dear,” implying that she knows Richard had proposed to Sarah and the pain that hearing the name “Mrs. Miles” would cause him.
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Miss Smythe Character Timeline in The End of the Affair

The timeline below shows where the character Miss Smythe appears in The End of the Affair. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Book 2, Chapter 6
Love and Hatred Theme Icon
Jealousy and Passion Theme Icon
Adultery, Deception, and Honesty Theme Icon
...Mr. Parkis’s next report revealed that Sarah was seeing a Richard Smythe and his sister, Miss Smythe . Bendrix decides he has to see Richard Smythe for himself. Mr. Parkis and Bendrix... (full context)
Book 2, Chapter 7
Jealousy and Passion Theme Icon
...Lance to pretend to be sick, and they walk up to Smythe’s apartment. As predicted, Miss Smythe answers the door and invites them in when she sees that Lance looks sick. Bendrix... (full context)
Love and Hatred Theme Icon
Jealousy and Passion Theme Icon
...mentions that his friend Mrs. Miles might be interested. Richard’s face turns deep red and Miss Smythe exclaims, “Oh, my dear” as Bendrix shuts the door. (full context)