The End of the Affair


Graham Greene

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Peter Waterbury Character Analysis

Peter Waterbury is a literary critic who is going to write an article about Bendrix and his works. Waterbury meets with Bendrix on the day of Sarah’s funeral to interview him and get his opinion on other writers, but Bendrix quickly loses interest. Sylvia suggests they leave the interview early together so she can show him to the cemetery where Sarah’s funeral is being held.
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Peter Waterbury Character Timeline in The End of the Affair

The timeline below shows where the character Peter Waterbury appears in The End of the Affair. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Book 5, Chapter 2
Jealousy and Passion Theme Icon
...he was late for Sarah’s funeral because he went to meet a literary critic named Peter Waterbury who was going to write an article about his novels. In an aside, Bendrix says... (full context)