The End of the Affair


Graham Greene

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The End of the Affair: Book 4, Chapter 2 Summary & Analysis

Bendrix writes that in the days after his talk with Sarah in the church, he rededicated himself to finishing his novel and another project—a biography of a man named General Gordon—so that he could finish them and get paid enough to keep himself and Sarah financially afloat. Even though Bendrix makes sure he is home at the time of day when Sarah can safely call, his phone never rings.
Where once Bendrix was motivated by hatred—hatred for Sarah, Henry, himself, and God—Bendrix is now driven by love. He begins to think about the future as something that he can enjoy because his view of it is not darkened by his hatred for Sarah.
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During this time, Bendrix frequently wonders why he, a known atheist, has been asked to write a biography on General Gordon, who was a staunch Christian. Bendrix decides that he is expected to write something scandalous about Christianity, but he decides he will “throw no stones at any phantom [Sarah] believed she loved.” Bendrix feels no hatred for God because he had proven himself to be stronger than God.
As long as Bendrix thinks he has a future with Sarah, he does not hate God. In fact, he accepts God because Sarah loves God. This also shows that, when he is secure in love, Bendrix is able to let go of jealousy; there was, after all, a time when Bendrix was jealous of anyone or anything that took up space in Sarah’s heart, because he was so afraid of losing her. 
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Bendrix never receives the expected phone call from Sarah. Once, Bendrix calls Sarah’s house, but hangs up quickly because he is afraid Henry will answer. Eight days pass before Bendrix’s phone finally rings. When Bendrix answers it, however, Henry is the one on the line—Sarah has passed away and Henry, distraught, wants Bendrix to come over for a drink.
Bendrix once ridiculed Henry for not paying enough attention to Sarah. This time, however, Bendrix is the one who hasn’t paid enough attention. If he had, he might have recognized how ill Sarah was and convinced either her or Henry to get her help, possibly saving her life. 
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