The Silence of the Lambs


Thomas Harris

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The Silence of the Lambs: Chapter 34 Summary & Analysis

Starling flies to Memphis and goes to Catherine’s apartment, hoping to find something that will help her identify Buffalo Bill. When she goes inside the apartment, a young officer is already there. He tells Starling that she is welcome to look around. As Starling begins her search, the officer repeatedly tries to make conversation with her. Starling firmly asks him to wait to talk to her until after her investigation is over. The officer respects her wish, and she continues her search in peace.
The young officer in Catherine’s apartment is a kind man, but he fundamentally does not understand Starling’s job. The scene highlights the significant difference between a member of local law enforcement and an FBI agent. Unfortunately, it is the former that is now looking after Lecter.
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At first, Starling does not find much of interest. However, while looking through Catherine’s bedroom, she finds a sheet of LSD along with some erotic photographs Catherine took with an unknown man. Before Starling completes her search, Senator Martin and Paul Krendler, a member of the Department of Justice, enter the room. They order Starling to hand over whatever she has to them. At first, Starling is hesitant; she does not want Krendler to see the photos of Catherine. However, she quickly realizes she does not have a choice.
Because Starling is a woman, she better understands where Catherine might hide things she does not want others to find. Starling also feels guilty when she hands over Catherine’s possessions because of their erotic and illicit nature, but she knows she cannot defy an authority figure as important as Krendler. Again, Starling proves she is possibly the most capable person to work on this case, but that does not matter to the Department of Justice.
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When Krendler sees the photos, he quickly hands them to Senator Martin. Then, Starling questions them about the Senator’s talk with Lecter. Krendler gives her a transcript of the meeting. Starling tells him that she is worried that Lecter is merely toying with them and that he did not provide a real name. Starling says her next step is to test the LSD and attempts to do so with her field kit, but Krendler makes her stop. He tells her that the case is no longer in her hands and orders her to go back to Quantico immediately.
Although Krendler is unkind to Starling, he does wish to see Catherine returned safely, and he feels terrible about demanding the photos once he sees what they are. However, to Krendler, Starling is merely a budding FBI agent; he does not take her opinions seriously, and he is annoyed she is still involved with the case. Additionally, if Starling follows his orders, she won’t even be able to speak with Lecter again.
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