The Silence of the Lambs


Thomas Harris

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The Silence of the Lambs: Chapter 42 Summary & Analysis

Despite the fact that he is no longer legally allowed to work the Buffalo Bill case, Crawford continues contemplating the case files at home. He learns that the piece of metal Lecter used as a handcuff key came from Chilton’s hospital. Additional investigations also turned up a note from Lecter to Chilton in Lecter’s old cell. In the note, Lecter mocks Chilton’s appearance and his intelligence.
Like Starling, Crawford cannot help but obsess about the Buffalo Bill case. He put everything he had into the case—and possibly missed out on his wife’s final days—and right now it feels like it was all for nothing. Meanwhile, Lecter knows that his note and the source of the metal will get Chilton in trouble, which brings him great joy.
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Crawford speaks with Jerry Burroughs, one of his fellow higher-ups at the FBI. Burroughs tells him that the information Lecter gave Senator Martin was fake. However, much of what he told Starling appears to be real. Additionally, he warns Crawford to add security to his home because Lecter could come after him in search of revenge.
Everything Chilton and Senator Martin did turned out to be a failure, meaning Crawford and Starling were right all along. However, none of that matters at the moment because Starling and Crawford are no longer on the case.
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