The Silence of the Lambs


Thomas Harris

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The Silence of the Lambs: Chapter 43 Summary & Analysis

Lecter arrives at the Marcus Hotel in St. Louis. He gives the front desk a fake name: Lloyd Wyman. Lecter assumed the identity after killing a man with the same name in the Memphis Airport. After murdering the man, Lecter stole his ID as well as his car. Lecter traveled to St. Louis because he plans to undergo cosmetic surgery at a clinic across the street from the Marcus Hotel. While awaiting his surgery, he enjoys himself in his hotel room by eating a pleasant meal.
Including his escape, Lecter already killed five people in a matter of days. At the time of his escape, he likely already knew that cosmetic surgery would be his ticket to anonymity and freedom. It is unclear whether the meal he is enjoying contains any human flesh. However, it would not be unreasonable to assume that Lecter is feasting on one of his victims.
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