The Silence of the Lambs


Thomas Harris

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The Silence of the Lambs: Chapter 51 Summary & Analysis

No longer able to work the Buffalo Bill case in any proper capacity, Crawford spends his time calling around for updates. He speaks with John Golby, the new leader for the case, who tells Crawford he is sorry for his loss. Golby’s words make Crawford think about the time he and Bella spent together in Italy.
Crawford is in a difficult spot because the two things that most occupy his mind are the death of his wife and the hunt for Buffalo Bill. Because he cannot work, all Crawford has time to do is think, which is driving him crazy.
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While contemplating what will happen to his career in the wake of the Buffalo Bill case, Crawford gets a call from Dr. Danielson at Johns Hopkins. After Crawford promises to do what he can to protect Danielson’s clinic, Danielson tells him that he found someone that matches the profile Crawford is searching for. The patient submitted his materials under the false name “John Grant.”
Finally, something hopeful happens in the Buffalo Bill case. All of the sudden, Crawford has hope again, and it looks like Catherine may have bought herself just enough time to survive. However, Crawford has followed false leads before, and “John Grant” could be another one.
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Although the patient passed the intelligence tests administered by Johns Hopkins, he failed the background checks and personality inventories. Danielson tells Crawford that the man’s actual name is Jame Gumb. The reason he failed the background check is because he is wanted by the police for attacking multiple gay men. Everything Danielson says matches up with the case, and Crawford realizes that he has finally found his man.
The details Danielson provides confirm for the reader that they have the right man. Furthermore, Crawford feels like he has the right man because everything lines up too perfectly with everything else in the case to be a coincidence.
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