The Silence of the Lambs


Thomas Harris

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The Silence of the Lambs: Chapter 54 Summary & Analysis

Starling makes her way to the Franklin Insurance Agency, where Stacy Hubka works. There, she asks Stacy about Fredrica’s disappearance. Stacy tells her that she didn’t think anything of it when Fredrica first disappeared because she figured she would come back soon. She only grew worried when the days dragged on and Fredrica still was not found. Starling asks Stacy if Fredrica had a secret relationship with a man. Stacy says she does not think so; otherwise, she would have known about it. However, Stacy also says that many people teased Fredrica because of her size, so Starling wonders if Fredrica would keep a relationship secret, even from Stacy.
Nothing about Stacy Hubka’s words particularly stick out to Starling. Starling is interested in what Stacy does not know more than what she does because she suspects Fredrica was not open and honest with her. Like many characters in the novel, Fredrica may have been engaging in acts of manipulation as a form of self-preservation.
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Stacy tells Starling about Fredrica’s life and her work history. Starling stops Stacy when she mentions that Fredrica did some sewing work and asks for more details. However, Stacy does not have details to give. Instead, she gives Starling a list of stores that hired Fredrica so she can ask more questions elsewhere. Before she goes, Starling asks Stacy if she remembers seeing a man in drag in any clothing stores Fredrica frequented. Stacy says she does not.
The mention of sewing peaks Starling’s interest because it is a connection between Buffalo Bill and Fredrica. Furthermore, it is a connection the authorities would not have known about the first time they interviewed Fredrica’s friends and family. Although Starling still feels far away from the finale of the case, she at least thinks she is starting to fit some clues together.
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