The Silent Patient

The Silent Patient


Alex Michaelides

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Barbie Hellman Character Analysis

Barbie Hellman is a wealthy American divorcee. She lives next door to Alicia and Gabriel Berenson at the time of the murder, and she is the one who hears gunshots and calls the police. Though Alicia cannot stand Barbie’s endless, self-absorbed chatter, she does confide in Barbie that she fears a mysterious man is following her. Later, Barbie uses this information to claim that she and Alicia were close confidantes. Theo sees Barbie as the ultimate narcissist, a stark contrast to his own, more empathetic method of relating to others.
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Barbie Hellman Character Timeline in The Silent Patient

The timeline below shows where the character Barbie Hellman appears in The Silent Patient. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Part 1, Chapter 1
Honesty vs. Deception Theme Icon
...of the murder, Gabriel arrived home at 11 p.m. At 11:30, the Berensons’ next-door neighbor Barbie Hellman heard gunshots and called the police. (full context)
Part 2, Chapter 29
Empathy, Identification, and Boundaries Theme Icon
...that she has been waiting in the Grove’s reception area. Theo recognizes the woman as Barbie Hellman, Alicia’s neighbor who heard the gunshots on the night of the murder. Theo assesses... (full context)
Childhood Trauma Theme Icon
Hoping to relieve the tension, Theo introduces himself to Barbie as Alicia’s therapist. Immediately, Barbie explains that she and Alicia were “best friends”; though she... (full context)
Childhood Trauma Theme Icon
Silence vs. “The Talking Cure” Theme Icon
Alicia shows no sign of emotion at seeing Barbie, though Barbie immediately launches into a long monologue about her family and friends. Barbie prepares... (full context)
Part 2, Chapter 30
Empathy, Identification, and Boundaries Theme Icon
Honesty vs. Deception Theme Icon
Silence vs. “The Talking Cure” Theme Icon
Barbie lives in a gigantic house, a token of her divorce settlement with her investment banker... (full context)
Empathy, Identification, and Boundaries Theme Icon
Childhood Trauma Theme Icon
Barbie offers Theo a drink, but he refuses, so she pours herself a giant glass of... (full context)
Childhood Trauma Theme Icon
Barbie does have something useful to offer, however. Having seen Alicia just a few hours before... (full context)
Empathy, Identification, and Boundaries Theme Icon
...worked up the nerve, Gabriel dismissed her. A few days later, Alicia had come to Barbie, asking her to forget the whole thing. And though Barbie had shown the picture to... (full context)
Empathy, Identification, and Boundaries Theme Icon
Honesty vs. Deception Theme Icon
As Theo makes his way back home, he reflects on what Barbie has told him. He is certain that Alicia never felt close to Barbie, so this... (full context)
Part 3, Chapter 1
Empathy, Identification, and Boundaries Theme Icon
Tragedy and Destiny Theme Icon
Barbie Hellman comes over, and even though Alicia detests her, she confesses her fear about the... (full context)
Silence vs. “The Talking Cure” Theme Icon
...have to get through this alone. She regrets telling anybody, and she resolves to tell Barbie to forget the whole thing. (full context)