The Silent Patient

The Silent Patient


Alex Michaelides

Teachers and parents! Our Teacher Edition on The Silent Patient makes teaching easy.

The Silent Patient: Part 2, Chapter 11 Summary & Analysis

With Yuri’s help, Theo seeks out Elif, intending to ask her about what happened with Alicia. Up close, Elif is even scarier than Theo thought: she is a big presence, and her eyes show a lot of mental disturbance. Elif hears voices, and Theo asks what the voices are saying to her. According to Elif, the voices are warning her that Theo “ain’t safe […] watch out.”
In their first real meeting, Theo and Elif have mirror-image reactions to each other; each feels the other is unsafe. Elif’s instinctive distrust of Theo is an important sign that he might not be as reliable a narrator (or therapist) as he claims.
Empathy, Identification, and Boundaries Theme Icon
Childhood Trauma Theme Icon
Theo suggests that he and Elif can play pool together, sharing a single cue, but she ferociously tells him to leave her cue alone. He then broaches the subject of Alicia, asking Elif to explain what caused the fight. Elif reveals that just before Alicia attacked her, she had asked Alicia if Gabriel “deserved it.” Theo shudders, surmising that Elif seeks to repulse people because her mother had made her feel repulsive as a young child.
As he does for himself and Alicia, Theo sees in Elif how childhood pain can be refracted and twisted into damaging adult behavior. Rather than seeking the love she never found from her mother, Elif works to make other people feel the same hurt she felt as a young girl.
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To Theo’s surprise, he gets a call from Max Berenson, who asks if something is wrong with Alicia. Theo asks if he can talk to Max in person, and Max reluctantly agrees that Theo can come over to his office at 7 o’clock the next day.
Even though Alicia has very complicated relationships with the people from her life before the Grove, Max’s concern shows that he does really care about his sister-in-law, no matter what crimes she has committed.
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