The Silent Patient

The Silent Patient


Alex Michaelides

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The Silent Patient: Part 4, Chapter 19 Summary & Analysis

“From then on,” Theo writes, “things moved fast.” Led by Chief Inspector Steven Allen, the police arrive at once, asking Theo to make an official statement. As he prepares to do so, he is shocked to notice Yuri dealing drugs to Elif in the fishbowl. And strangely, Jean-Felix has arrived and has been waiting for hours. Theo does not know what to make of any of this new information.
The pacing of the novel picks up—the chapters get shorter, and each plot point gets less focus—mirroring the “fast” pace of the investigation. The realization that Yuri is dealing drugs further adds to the sense that no one is who they seem, and that Yuri in particular might be guiltier than he was on first glance.
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