The Silent Patient

The Silent Patient


Alex Michaelides

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The Silent Patient: Part 4, Chapter 5 Summary & Analysis

Kathy was getting careless,” Theo laments. She starts taking walks, and when Theo tries to join, she makes excuses for why she wants to be alone. One day, he follows her to the park, where he sees a tall man kiss and grope Kathy. Theo thinks that Kathy’s lover looks just like him: “I had a confused, out-of-body experience, convinced I was watching myself walking in the park with Kathy.”
If Theo is “over-identifying” with Alicia, he now seems to entirely lose his sense of where he ends and others begin. In this fascinating passage, therefore, Theo imagines Kathy’s lover as another version of himself; he is “out-of-body,” jealous but also strangely, almost frighteningly, empathetic with the man who is responsible for his pain.
Empathy, Identification, and Boundaries Theme Icon
Tragedy and Destiny Theme Icon
Childhood Trauma Theme Icon
The man and Kathy go into the woods together, and soon enough, Theo hears Kathy’s familiar moans. As he listens to her climax, he imagines himself as his father; without a doubt, his dad would have killed the man. But Theo just walks out of the woods, going around and around in panicked circles.
Ruth predicted that Theo’s relationship to Kathy was somehow linked to his relationship with his father, and now, Theo instinctively links Kathy’s sexual betrayal to his father’s violent abuse.
Tragedy and Destiny Theme Icon
Honesty vs. Deception Theme Icon