A Hundred Flowers

A Hundred Flowers


Gail Tsukiyama

Teachers and parents! Our Teacher Edition on A Hundred Flowers makes teaching easy.

A Hundred Flowers: After, October 1958: Song (II) Summary & Analysis

Early one morning, Song watches Wei hurry through the courtyard gate. She almost follows him, curious about where he goes each day, but, looking at her mud-splattered clothes (she’s been working in the garden), she decides to stay put. She’s still cutting bak choy when Kai Ying rushes up to show her the note Wei left, telling the family that he has gone to Luoyang to find Sheng.
Wei realizes that he has asked others to bear the consequences of his decisions for him for far too long. Now, he strives to take responsibility for himself, and by doing so, to show his care and concern for the family he genuinely loves, even if he’s had trouble showing it.
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