A Hundred Flowers

A Hundred Flowers


Gail Tsukiyama

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Pearl Symbol Icon

The pearls that Kai Ying loves stand for beauty, fragility, and hope. Herbalist Chu stocked them in his shop and used them to create precious, expensive skin creams in part because of their natural, beautiful luster. When she struggled with homesickness in a strange city, Kai Ying took one pearl from his stock each week, stashing them away to count the time until her apprenticeship ended. They represented her hope for a happier future, even as that hope shifted from returning home to staying in Guangzhou and marrying Sheng. But in their fragility, the pearls also offer a reminder that both bad and good things happen in life, such as Kai Ying’s traumatic miscarriage, Sheng’s arrest, or Tao’s injury. These events threaten to destroy Kai Ying’s hope, but the arrival of Suyin and her daughter rekindle it. It’s for this reason that Kai Ying names Suyin’s daughter Meizhen, or “beautiful pearl”—the baby girl herself represents the entire family’s hope for a happier, brighter future.

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Pearl Symbol Timeline in A Hundred Flowers

The timeline below shows where the symbol Pearl appears in A Hundred Flowers. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Moon Festival, September 1958: Kai Ying (II)
Journeys and Growth Theme Icon
Suffering, Strength, and Resilience Theme Icon
The Promises and Failures of Communism  Theme Icon
...them are on display any longer. When she started her apprenticeship, her favorite ingredient was pearl; she loved holding the tiny, delicate spheres in her hand. Each week she took one... (full context)
Moon Festival, September 1958: Kai Ying (V)
Redemption Theme Icon
Suffering, Strength, and Resilience Theme Icon
Home and Family  Theme Icon
The Promises and Failures of Communism  Theme Icon
...call the child the name she would pick for her own daughter, Meizhen, or beautiful pearl. (full context)
Stories, November 1958: Kai Ying (IV)
Suffering, Strength, and Resilience Theme Icon
Home and Family  Theme Icon
...told her when she was about his age. Once, she tells him, a magical white pearl fell from heaven and turned into a beautiful lake. But the pearl was so beautiful... (full context)
The City of Ghosts, November 1958: Kai Ying (I)
Journeys and Growth Theme Icon
Suffering, Strength, and Resilience Theme Icon
...this afternoon, Kai Ying goes upstairs after their lesson and retrieves the bag of tiny pearls she took from Herbalist Chu’s shop. She brings them downstairs and pours them into the... (full context)