A Hundred Flowers

A Hundred Flowers


Gail Tsukiyama

Teachers and parents! Our Teacher Edition on A Hundred Flowers makes teaching easy.

A Hundred Flowers: The City of Ghosts, November 1958: Wei (II) Summary & Analysis

Wei and Tian share a bittersweet breakfast, promising to meet again in Guangzhou. Wei finds himself surprised at how hard he finds saying goodbye to a man he’s known for less than a week. Tian turns back to wave before boarding the train car, and Wei watches through the window as he chooses a quiet seat near the back. When the train pulls away, Wei can no longer see Tian at the window, but he waves anyway.
When Tian left Ai-li at the Luoyang train station years earlier, her failure to look back and wave goodbye signaled the end of their relationship. Wei and Tian have known each other for far less time, but forged a more resilient bond, based on their shared experience of suffering and their willingness to offer each other. Wei waves even though he doesn’t know if Tian sees him, determined to show how much he cherishes his friend.
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