A Rumor of War

A Rumor of War


Philip Caputo

Corporal Rodella Character Analysis

A marine who was wounded twice before but is severely wounded when a piece of shrapnel tears a hole into one of his lungs. Caputo recounts how his injury leaves him in danger of drowning in his own blood, and that Rodella appears sorrowful—with the “hurt, dumb eyes of a child”—in response to his injury. He recuperates later in a hospital and then is evacuated out of Vietnam.
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Corporal Rodella Character Timeline in A Rumor of War

The timeline below shows where the character Corporal Rodella appears in A Rumor of War. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter Sixteen
Heroism and Identity Theme Icon
Loyalty and Camaraderie Theme Icon
Danger and Uncertainty Theme Icon
Corporal Rodella, whose lung was torn by a piece of shrapnel, requires more serious attention—he is in... (full context)
Chapter Seventeen
Danger and Uncertainty Theme Icon
Eleven days after the patrol, Greeley, Rodella, and Sanchez are recovering in a hospital. January 5 is the platoon’s third night of... (full context)