Crazy Rich Asians

Crazy Rich Asians


Kevin Kwan

Teachers and parents! Our Teacher Edition on Crazy Rich Asians makes teaching easy.

Astrid Leong Character Analysis

Astrid is Nick’s favorite cousin. She’s a fashion icon in Asia, as she’s unconventionally beautiful and buys couture garments from next season and pairs them with vintage pieces. She and her family are extremely wealthy, mostly due to their vast real estate holdings. Many believe Astrid has the perfect life, as she also has a handsome husband, Michael, and they have a son, Cassian. However, when Astrid discovers Michael is cheating on her, she’s consumed with grief—but she tries, unsuccessfully, to pretend as if nothing has happened. However, she’s unable to do this, and she’s distraught when Michael reveals he wants a divorce (which is unacceptable in Astrid’s social circle). At the Khoo wedding, Astrid reconnects with her ex-fiancé, Charlie, who helps her get to the bottom of Michael’s infidelity. Astrid blames herself and her wealth for Michael’s unhappiness, but Charlie insists that Astrid has nothing to be ashamed of: she’s wealthy, but she’s also a good, generous person.

Astrid Leong Quotes in Crazy Rich Asians

The Crazy Rich Asians quotes below are all either spoken by Astrid Leong or refer to Astrid Leong. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Wealth and Absurdity Theme Icon
Part 1, Chapter 5 Quotes

“Well, first of all, you must understand that there are two kinds of Chinese. There are the Chinese from Mainland China, who made their fortunes in the past decade like all the Russians, but then there are the Overseas Chinese. These are the ones who left China long before the Communists came in, in many cases hundreds of years ago, and spread throughout the rest of Asia, quietly amassing great fortunes over time. [...]”

His wife cut in. “Let me just say this: We visited Astrid’s family a few years ago. You can’t imagine how staggeringly rich these people are, Marie-Hélène. The houses, the servants, the style in which they live. It makes the Arnaults look like peasants.”

Related Characters: Isabelle de l’Herme-Pierre (speaker), Laurent de l’Herme-Pierre (speaker), Nicholas Young, Astrid Leong, Goh Peik Lin , Marie-Hélène de la Durée
Page Number: 45
Explanation and Analysis:
Part 1, Chapter 12 Quotes

She breathed in deeply. She regained her composure. The composure that had been ingrained since the day she was born. She would do the sensible thing. She knew that there was no point making a scene, demanding an explanation. Any sort of explanation that could cause even the tiniest scratch on their picture-perfect life.

Related Characters: Astrid Leong, Michael Teo, Jasmine Ng
Page Number: 100
Explanation and Analysis:
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Astrid Leong Quotes in Crazy Rich Asians

The Crazy Rich Asians quotes below are all either spoken by Astrid Leong or refer to Astrid Leong. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Wealth and Absurdity Theme Icon
Part 1, Chapter 5 Quotes

“Well, first of all, you must understand that there are two kinds of Chinese. There are the Chinese from Mainland China, who made their fortunes in the past decade like all the Russians, but then there are the Overseas Chinese. These are the ones who left China long before the Communists came in, in many cases hundreds of years ago, and spread throughout the rest of Asia, quietly amassing great fortunes over time. [...]”

His wife cut in. “Let me just say this: We visited Astrid’s family a few years ago. You can’t imagine how staggeringly rich these people are, Marie-Hélène. The houses, the servants, the style in which they live. It makes the Arnaults look like peasants.”

Related Characters: Isabelle de l’Herme-Pierre (speaker), Laurent de l’Herme-Pierre (speaker), Nicholas Young, Astrid Leong, Goh Peik Lin , Marie-Hélène de la Durée
Page Number: 45
Explanation and Analysis:
Part 1, Chapter 12 Quotes

She breathed in deeply. She regained her composure. The composure that had been ingrained since the day she was born. She would do the sensible thing. She knew that there was no point making a scene, demanding an explanation. Any sort of explanation that could cause even the tiniest scratch on their picture-perfect life.

Related Characters: Astrid Leong, Michael Teo, Jasmine Ng
Page Number: 100
Explanation and Analysis: