Crazy Rich Asians

Crazy Rich Asians


Kevin Kwan

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Stephen Chia is an old friend of Astrid’s who runs a luxury jewelry boutique known for offering discretion and gorgeous jewelry. He and Astrid met in Paris when he was doing his apprenticeship and Astrid was living with Charlie, and he came to appreciate her interest in rare antique pieces. Astrid continues to frequent his boutique once they both return to Asia.
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Stephen Chia Character Timeline in Crazy Rich Asians

The timeline below shows where the character Stephen Chia appears in Crazy Rich Asians. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Part 1, Chapter 15
Wealth and Absurdity Theme Icon
Marriage and Money Theme Icon
Astrid is in need of a pick-me-up, so she visits her friend Stephen. Stephen owns a small jewelry shop and has an eye for gemstones, but his claim... (full context)
Marriage and Money Theme Icon
As Stephen is showing Astrid some bracelets, he asks if she liked the charm bracelet Michael bought... (full context)
Wealth and Absurdity Theme Icon
Marriage and Money Theme Icon
...too and asks if she can take the cufflinks that belonged to Clark Gable today. Stephen says she can take it all and goes to get boxes, remembering that the last... (full context)