Crazy Rich Asians

Crazy Rich Asians


Kevin Kwan

Teachers and parents! Our Teacher Edition on Crazy Rich Asians makes teaching easy.

Fang Min’s Mother Character Analysis

Fang Min’s mother was Kerry’s mother-in-law while Kerry was married to Fang Min as a teenager. An exacting and cruel woman, Fang Min’s mother was cruel to Kerry before Kerry got pregnant, was kind to Kerry while she was pregnant, and then plotted to blind baby Rachel so Kerry could have a second child, hopefully a boy.
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Fang Min’s Mother Character Timeline in Crazy Rich Asians

The timeline below shows where the character Fang Min’s Mother appears in Crazy Rich Asians. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Part 3, Chapter 20
Chinese vs. Western Culture Theme Icon
...parents were distraught, but she thought for a short time that things were perfect. However, Fang Min’s mother was extremely traditional and snobby, and she expected Kerry to do lots of traditional daughter-in-law... (full context)
Marriage and Money Theme Icon
Family vs. Individuality Theme Icon
...Min was going to kill her or Kao Wei, so she hid her pregnancy until Fang Min’s mother put it together. (full context)
Family vs. Individuality Theme Icon
Chinese vs. Western Culture Theme Icon
Kerry says she was shocked when Fang Min’s mother was thrilled and suddenly became caring and generous. Kerry was so relieved to move back... (full context)
Family vs. Individuality Theme Icon
Chinese vs. Western Culture Theme Icon
Continuing her story, Kerry says that the maid Fang Min’s mother hired to care for her during her pregnancy had become Kerry’s friend, so she told... (full context)