Crazy Rich Asians

Crazy Rich Asians


Kevin Kwan

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Crazy Rich Asians: Part 1, Chapter 15 Summary & Analysis

Astrid is in need of a pick-me-up, so she visits her friend Stephen. Stephen owns a small jewelry shop and has an eye for gemstones, but his claim to fame is “absolute discretion.” Hidden behind a stark front room is a velvet-paneled chamber where Astrid can curl up, drink soda, and gossip with Stephen while he shows her jewelry. They met years ago in Paris, when Stephen was apprenticing there, and became instant friends. Now, Stephen is very good at judging his clients’ moods—but he’s never seen Astrid like this before. She’s clearly upset. 
Astrid and her family, recall, are fanatical about preserving privacy. Thus, it makes sense that she’d befriend a jewelry dealer who promises “absolute discretion.” That Stephen has no idea what is going on with Astrid highlights that she’s in uncharted territory; she has no idea how to process Michael’s infidelity. Given how uncomfortable Michael seems with wealth, though, it’s unlikely that buying a bunch of jewelry is going to help her marriage, even if it feels like retail therapy to Astrid.
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As Stephen is showing Astrid some bracelets, he asks if she liked the charm bracelet Michael bought her for her birthday. Astrid is confused (Michael knows not to buy her jewelry, and her birthday isn’t until late summer), but she plays along and says it was lovely. Her mind, though, is racing—is Michael really buying another woman jewelry from her friend? Privately, Stephen can’t imagine Astrid liked the bracelet, which had teddy bear charms, but he thought Michael’s effort was sweet. And what’s up with Astrid? She’s already bought three things and is seriously considering a pair of ridiculous 49-carat kunzite earrings, and she’s only barely answering his questions about what she’s going to wear to the Khoo wedding. She’s not the sort to spend a million dollars this fast. But all Astrid can think of is jewelry Michael bought hanging on another woman’s wrist.
Though Stephen and Astrid are friends, note that Astrid seems wholly unwilling to confide in Stephen and seek support from him. All she allows him to offer her is retail therapy, and this is likely due to Astrid’s intensely private nature. Being so private, though, means that Astrid is left to deal with her emotions and fears all on her own, and she seems to be doing a poor job of that. For his part, Stephen seems to think at this point that things are fine between Astrid and Michael. Astrid doesn’t seem like the sort to appreciate a bracelet with teddy bears, and Stephen knows this, but he thinks she’ll be swayed by the gesture—when Astrid’s inner monologue suggests she would in no way appreciate Michael buying her jewelry of any sort.
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Astrid decides to get the kunzite earrings too and asks if she can take the cufflinks that belonged to Clark Gable today. Stephen says she can take it all and goes to get boxes, remembering that the last time Astrid spent like this, she’d just broken up with Charlie Wu. Minutes later, Astrid gets into her car and opens up the box with the cufflinks. She tries to tell herself that lots of men, even Clark Gable, cheat and have mistresses. Michael’s transgression surely wasn’t serious, and lots of women have to put up with worse. Michael will love the cufflinks, he won’t be mad about the expense, and he’ll still love her. It feels like Astrid’s life is over. She can’t believe this is happening to her.
Having so much money at her disposal has perhaps warped Astrid’s understanding of how to cultivate a healthy relationship. She purchased the cufflinks seemingly to try to buy Michael’s love and fidelity—but Michael doesn’t care about money and, again, Astrid’s inner monologue makes it really clear that he wouldn’t appreciate the gesture. Money has perhaps taken over as the primary language in Astrid and Michael’s marriage, and this keeps them from speaking honestly.
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