Crazy Rich Asians

Crazy Rich Asians


Kevin Kwan

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Crazy Rich Asians: Part 3, Chapter 18 Summary & Analysis

Though Rachel and Peik Lin are only going to Shenzhen for one night, Peik Lin is still bringing three suitcases. Peik Lin also convinced Rachel to fly private, noting that it can just make things easier sometimes—this way, they won’t spend a day waiting in line at customs with thousands of people. But now, seeing Rachel’s ashy face, Peik Lin wonders if this trip is even a good idea. Rachel admits that she didn’t sleep well, as she misses Nick. She insists, though, that things have to be over between them. And she feels she has to meet her father, as she’s seen talk shows that reunite adopted adults with their birth parents and all those people found it important. Still, Rachel admits she’s nervous.
Peik Lin makes the case that being rich doesn’t just mean having lots of great food, a pool of sharks, or expensive clothes. Sometimes, it’s worth it to make the convenient choice, which enough money can often buy. Rachel implied in her last conversation with Nick that her dad doesn’t make her who she is, in that she’s not convinced hearing a person’s last name tells someone all you need to know about that person. Still, she believes that she’ll find peace of some sort when she meets him.
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Rachel and Peik Lin get in the gold car, but just as the gates to Villa d’Oro open, a silver Land Rover blocks the driveway and Nick races out of the car. Kerry emerges from the passenger side, and Rachel leaps out of Peik Lin’s car. Kerry says that Nick filled her in, and since he wouldn’t stop Rachel from going to China, she said she had to. So Nick chartered her a private plane. Exasperated, Rachel says she has to leave to meet her father, but Kerry says Rachel can’t go: Zhou Fang Min isn’t Rachel’s father. Rachel’s father is another man, someone Kerry truly loved. Dazed, Rachel asks Peik Lin if the driver will just run her over.
Rachel’s family becomes even more complicated with Kerry’s revelation that Zhou Fang Min isn’t Rachel’s father (and satisfyingly, this means Eleanor was wrong). Note that Kerry’s love is what compels her to come clean with Rachel, while their open and trusting relationship is what allows Kerry to do this. Eleanor, for instance, doesn’t speak to Nick openly or honestly—she reacts and then says hurtful things. But then again, she’s never treated Nick like his own person who deserves respect.
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