House Made of Dawn


N. Scott Momaday

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Kiowa Term Analysis

The Kiowa are an Indigenous tribe of America’s southern plains. Most Kiowa people now live in and around Oklahoma. The Priest of the Sun, Tosamah, is Kiowa, and in one of his sermons he speaks about his return to the homeland of his people.
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Kiowa Term Timeline in House Made of Dawn

The timeline below shows where the term Kiowa appears in House Made of Dawn. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
8. The Priest of the Sun, January 26
Religion, Ceremony, and Tradition Theme Icon
Storytelling Theme Icon
...of the oral tradition. In the story, which takes place during a famine among the Kiowa people, one man hears a voice of thunder and lightning while searching for food. The... (full context)
9. The Priest of the Sun, January 27
Home, Belonging, and Identity Theme Icon
Nature Theme Icon his grandmother’s grave. His grandmother, Aho, lived during the “last great moment” of the Kiowa people. The U.S. Cavalry eventually drove the Kiowas off their land and imprisoned them at... (full context)
Nature Theme Icon
Storytelling Theme Icon
...a natural feature that generates “an awful quiet in the heart of man.” In the Kiowa legend of Devils Tower, seven sisters escape up a tree when their brother turns into... (full context)
Home, Belonging, and Identity Theme Icon
Religion, Ceremony, and Tradition Theme Icon
Tosamah discusses Aho’s reverence for the sun. As a child, she attended the last Kiowa sun dance in 1890, which she knows as “Sun Dance When the Forked Poles Were... (full context)