


Magda Szubanski

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Danuta is Peter’s sister, Magda’s aunt, and Magda Zawadzka’s mother. After the war, Danuta refused to honor her former enemies by speaking German. Although this makes it difficult for her and Magda to communicate, Danuta showers Magda with affection when she visits Poland to make up for the years of distance. Young and beautiful when the war started, Danuta was often at the mercy of predatory German soldiers. After one near assault, Danuta was so shaken that she could not continue her work delivering papers for the resistance. Danuta was close to the Jewish boy, and she was distraught when the Szubanskis were forced to send him away. Danuta outlives her husband Andrzej.
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Danuta Character Timeline in Reckoning

The timeline below shows where the character Danuta appears in Reckoning. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 4: My Father’s People
Guilt and Legacy Theme Icon
Morality, Survival, and Perspective Theme Icon
...(Peter) was named after a first son who died young, and he had a sister, Danuta. Jadwiga and Mieczysław showed amazing courage by sheltering Jews when the penalty for doing so... (full context)
Chapter 6: Medicine Men
Guilt and Legacy Theme Icon
Morality, Survival, and Perspective Theme Icon
...Nazis had closed all but trade schools and had killed thousands of academics. Peter and Danuta would sneak into professors’ homes to study, but this inadequate education left Peter competitive with... (full context)
Chapter 21: Warsaw
Guilt and Legacy Theme Icon
Morality, Survival, and Perspective Theme Icon
...pass the Palace of Culture and Science—the Soviet Union’s “gift” to Poland. At Andrzej’s flat, Danuta embraces Magda, exclaiming over how much she looks like Peter. Since Danuta refused to speak... (full context)
Guilt and Legacy Theme Icon
Morality, Survival, and Perspective Theme Icon
Sexuality and Shame  Theme Icon
Andrzej and Danuta’s tiny flat is filled with objects from Andrzej’s naval post in Shanghai. Danuta says that,... (full context)
Guilt and Legacy Theme Icon
Morality, Survival, and Perspective Theme Icon for someone one has never met. To make up for what Magda has missed, Danuta and Andrzej shower her with affection and introduce her to old friends. (full context)
Guilt and Legacy Theme Icon
Morality, Survival, and Perspective Theme Icon
One day when they are alone, Danuta shows Magda photos of her ancestors. After staring at Jadwiga, who looks just like her,... (full context)
Chapter 38: The Sewer
Guilt and Legacy Theme Icon
Morality, Survival, and Perspective Theme Icon Christmas, and Warsaw is a winter wonderland. While the cameras are set up in Danuta’s apartment, Magda waits in the bitter cold. When Magda enters, Danuta is too old to... (full context)
Chapter 40: Women’s Conspiracy
Guilt and Legacy Theme Icon
Morality, Survival, and Perspective Theme Icon
Andrzej is now dead, and Danuta—now in her 90s—is losing her memory, so Magda knows that this visit is her last... (full context)
Guilt and Legacy Theme Icon
Morality, Survival, and Perspective Theme Icon
Indifference vs. Feeling  Theme Icon
When Magda asks about the Jewish boy, Danuta says that his name Jurek and his mother’s name was Hella. Since Danuta looked like... (full context)
Chapter 42: Epilogue
Guilt and Legacy Theme Icon
Morality, Survival, and Perspective Theme Icon
...wishes that Peter were there. She also wishes that Meg, Luke, Jadwiga, Mieczysław, Andrzej and Danuta were there: she wants to tell them how well Peter readied her for life. Peter... (full context)