


Magda Szubanski

Teachers and parents! Our Teacher Edition on Reckoning makes teaching easy.

Grüber Character Analysis

Grüber is the captain of a German Patrol that captures Peter and others who have recently escaped a POW camp. Grüber, who means only to “kill time” until the war is over, treats the prisoners like equals. After he lets Peter go, Grüber takes the rest of his prisoners skiing. Peter does not know the full story, but Grüber was shot after the war.
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Grüber Character Timeline in Reckoning

The timeline below shows where the character Grüber appears in Reckoning. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 16: Grüber
Guilt and Legacy Theme Icon
Morality, Survival, and Perspective Theme Icon
When the family mispronounces doctor Grüber’s name, Peter corrects them. Peter, with ironic nonchalance, tells a story: after the Warsaw Uprising,... (full context)
Morality, Survival, and Perspective Theme Icon
Killing time until the war ended, Grüber and the prisoners walked, talking about football and movies; he dodged other German patrols and... (full context)