


Magda Szubanski

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Sister Agnes Character Analysis

Sister Agnes is a pretty nun at Magda’s high school, Siena Convent. When Magda joins a rebellious group of friends and her grades suffer, Sister Agnes tries to help Magda get back on track and urges her to persuade her “bad” friends to reform. After one summer vacation, Sister Agnes does not return to the convent, and the rumor is that she married.
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Sister Agnes Character Timeline in Reckoning

The timeline below shows where the character Sister Agnes appears in Reckoning. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 14: Fourteen
Sexuality and Shame  Theme Icon
At Siena convent, there is a pretty young nun named Sister Agnes . While the students take tests, Sister Agnes stares into the distance, a tear shining... (full context)
Sexuality and Shame  Theme Icon
Sister Agnes says that the girls Magda hangs out with are bad girls; Magda has many fine... (full context)
Chapter 15: Becoming a Fat Lesbian
Body Image and Publicity  Theme Icon
Indifference vs. Feeling  Theme Icon
...already given up on Magda. Next year, Magda enrolls in science classes. Around this time, Sister Agnes leaves the convent to get married. (full context)