

Rudyard Kipling

Teachers and parents! Our Teacher Edition on Kim makes teaching easy.
E23 is a “Son of the Charm” and a spy for the British government. He is disguised as a Mahratta (a member of the military caste) when Kim first encounters him. Kim identifies E23 by his amulet and helps him evade capture from government authorities, disguising him as a Saddhu.
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E23 Character Timeline in Kim

The timeline below shows where the character E23 appears in Kim. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 11
Mentorship and Parenthood Theme Icon
Race, Identity, and Colonialism Theme Icon
The Jat begrudgingly obliges, and Kim, using a mix of ash and flour, disguises E23 as a near-naked Saddhu. As he does, Kim convinces the Jat to cover his eyes... (full context)
Chapter 12
Mentorship and Parenthood Theme Icon
Race, Identity, and Colonialism Theme Icon
As Punjabi policemen unsuccessfully scour the train at Delhi, E23 thanks Kim for his assistance. A Director Superintendent of Police boards the carriage, and E23... (full context)