

Rudyard Kipling

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Hurree Babu Character Analysis

Hurree Chunder Mookerjee, often referred to as Hurree Babu, is a Bengali spy for the British government (codename R17). A master in the arts of disguise, he ranks among the world’s best chainmen, and proves himself to be an indispensable mentor and teacher to Kim. Together, he and Kim take down the two foreign spies—the Frenchman and the Russian—in the northern mountains of India. Despite his nervous and bumbling demeanor, Hurree Babu is an absolute professional when it comes to espionage, effortlessly outmaneuvering less skilled agents like the Russian and Frenchman. Kim, witnessing Hurree Babu, learns what it means to be a true master of the Great Game. In addition to his espionage prowess, Hurree is also responsible for initiating Kim into the “Son of the Charm,” a secret society of fellow Asiatic spies. Hurree’s inclusion of Kim into the society reveals not only his deep trust and admiration for him, but also a subtle acknowledgement of Kim’s native qualities; Colonel Creighton, by contrast, is not included in the society, nor is he aware of it. This highlights Hurree’s complex, divided loyalties: though an agent for the British government, he is not entirely forthright with his superiors when it comes to things he considers the rightful provenance of people native to India.

Hurree Babu Quotes in Kim

The Kim quotes below are all either spoken by Hurree Babu or refer to Hurree Babu. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Mentorship and Parenthood Theme Icon
Chapter 7 Quotes

It was absurd that a man of his position should take an interest in a little country-bred vagabond; but the Colonel remembered the conversation in the train, and often in the past few months had caught himself thinking of the queer, silent, self-possessed boy. His evasion, of course, was the height of insolence, but it argued some resource and nerve.


Related Characters: Colonel Creighton (speaker), Kim, Teshoo Lama, Mahbub Ali, Hurree Babu, Lurgan Sahib
Page Number: 137
Explanation and Analysis:
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Hurree Babu Quotes in Kim

The Kim quotes below are all either spoken by Hurree Babu or refer to Hurree Babu. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Mentorship and Parenthood Theme Icon
Chapter 7 Quotes

It was absurd that a man of his position should take an interest in a little country-bred vagabond; but the Colonel remembered the conversation in the train, and often in the past few months had caught himself thinking of the queer, silent, self-possessed boy. His evasion, of course, was the height of insolence, but it argued some resource and nerve.


Related Characters: Colonel Creighton (speaker), Kim, Teshoo Lama, Mahbub Ali, Hurree Babu, Lurgan Sahib
Page Number: 137
Explanation and Analysis: