

Rudyard Kipling

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Literally meaning “the awakened,” the term typically refers to the historical figure Siddhartha Gautama, a spiritual leader and ascetic who founded Buddhism in the fifth or sixth century B.C.E. read analysis of Buddha


A member of a princely or military caste in central India. read analysis of Mahratta

The Great Game

The Great Game was a 19th-century rivalry between the British and Russian empires over colonial influence in Central and South Asia. Though never an official war, the Great Game was a protracted conflict carried out… read analysis of The Great Game


The Pathan are an eastern Iranian ethnic group, primarily residing in modern-day Pakistan and Afghanistan. read analysis of Pathan


A Punjabi is an inhabitant of the Punjab region in modern-day India and Pakistan. read analysis of Punjabi
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Raj is an Indian word meaning rule or government. It was co-opted by the British in their colonization of India. Today, it typically refers to British colonial rule of India. read analysis of Raj


A Rajah is an Indian king or prince. During the British Raj, it was a title for dignitaries or nobles. read analysis of Rajah


A Saddhu is a holy man or religious ascetic in Hinduism or Jainism. read analysis of Saddhu


Sahib is a term used by inhabitants of Colonial India when referring or speaking to a white or European man. Strictly defined, it means “sir” or “master.” read analysis of Sahib