

Rudyard Kipling

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Reverend Arthur Bennett Character Analysis

Reverend Arthur Bennett is the chaplain of the Maverick regiment who finds and captures Kim in their camp. Upon learning Kim’s true identity, he and Father Victor take him hostage, intending to send him away to a military orphanage. Unlike Father Victor, however, Bennett shows no sympathy toward Kim and the lama, treating the former as a misbehaved child and the latter as a “heathen.” Mockingly nicknamed the “Church of England,” Bennett represents the narrow-minded bigotry of colonialism, particularly in connection to the Church.
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Reverend Arthur Bennett Character Timeline in Kim

The timeline below shows where the character Reverend Arthur Bennett appears in Kim. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 5
Mentorship and Parenthood Theme Icon
Race, Identity, and Colonialism Theme Icon
Connection vs. Detachment Theme Icon
Kim makes the lama wait while they watch the regiment chaplain, Reverend Arthur Bennett , talk to British officers; the lama laments the white man’s crudeness. Kim and the... (full context)
Mentorship and Parenthood Theme Icon
Race, Identity, and Colonialism Theme Icon
Connection vs. Detachment Theme Icon
Reverend Arthur Bennett and Father Victor find the documents in Kim’s amulet, discovering him to be Kimball O’Hara’s... (full context)