

Rudyard Kipling

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Amulets Symbol Icon

In Kim, amulets symbolize the irreducibility of identity and the socially constructed nature of its traditional markers, like race, ethnicity, and culture. Both amulets in the novel reveal something essential to Kim’s identity which is not obvious from appearance alone. The amulet-case gifted to Kim by his father, for instance, reveals his Irish or white heritage, despite the fact that Kim looks and acts like an Indian native. Similarly, the amulet gifted to him by Hurree Babu reveals his status as a  "Son of the Charm," an organization of “Asiatic” spies, despite his looking and acting like a Buddhist chela. In this way, the two amulets juxtapose Kim’s exterior and interior identity, pointing to the difficulty of reducing someone like Kim to a single label like “white” or “Indian”; he is neither and both.

The amulets speak to the irreducibility of identity in another way, too. While the first amulet reveals a piece of Kim’s identity, it is not a piece of identity Kim earned; he had no choice in who his parents were. By contrast, the amulet gifted to Kim by Hurree Babu is a product of Kim’s personal efforts; he had to earn Hurree’s trust to get it. Thus, while both amulets reveal something hidden about Kim, only one reveals something about Kim’s lived experience. As such, the amulets embody not only the irreducibility of identity but also its paradoxical duality—how people are both the product of forces outside of their control and forces in themselves, capable of enacting change in the world. Together, then, the amulets point to the enigma of identity; the closer you look, the less clearly defined it becomes.

Amulets Quotes in Kim

The Kim quotes below all refer to the symbol of Amulets. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Mentorship and Parenthood Theme Icon
Chapter 5 Quotes

Oh, it is true. I knew it since my birth, but he could only find it out by rending the amulet from my neck and reading all the papers. He thinks that once a Sahib is always a Sahib, and between them they purpose to keep me in this Regiment or to send me to a madrissah [a school].

Related Characters: Kim (speaker), Teshoo Lama, Father Victor
Related Symbols: Amulets
Page Number: 103
Explanation and Analysis:
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Amulets Symbol Timeline in Kim

The timeline below shows where the symbol Amulets appears in Kim. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 5
Mentorship and Parenthood Theme Icon
Race, Identity, and Colonialism Theme Icon
Connection vs. Detachment Theme Icon
...the Red Bull. However, Reverend Arthur Bennet steps on Kim, capturing him and taking his amulet case of documents. Kim pleads for it back in English and Bennet, surprised, calls Father... (full context)
Mentorship and Parenthood Theme Icon
Race, Identity, and Colonialism Theme Icon
Connection vs. Detachment Theme Icon
Reverend Arthur Bennett and Father Victor find the documents in Kim’s amulet, discovering him to be Kimball O’Hara’s son, a former member of their regiment. They interrogate... (full context)
Chapter 10
Mentorship and Parenthood Theme Icon
Race, Identity, and Colonialism Theme Icon
Connection vs. Detachment Theme Icon
...lama, noting their shared agnosticism. Leaving the Huneefa’s, Hurree explains the purpose behind a special amulet necklace created for Kim by Huneefa, telling him that the necklace signals his membership in... (full context)
Chapter 11
Mentorship and Parenthood Theme Icon
Race, Identity, and Colonialism Theme Icon
...train, despite its heavy taxes. On the train, Kim meets an injured Mahratta with an amulet around his neck. Kim shows him his own amulet and, using the test phrases given... (full context)