Lady Macbeth


Susan King

Teachers and parents! Our Teacher Edition on Lady Macbeth makes teaching easy.

Drostan Character Analysis

Gruadh’s childhood friend, and a monk. During their adolescence and early twenties, he moves away to train at a monastery, but is invited to live with Gruadh and Macbeth as their royal cleric after Macbeth is crowned King of Scotland. He is loyal to Gruadh and gives her thoughtful advice based on his extensive knowledge of history and current events.

Drostan Quotes in Lady Macbeth

The Lady Macbeth quotes below are all either spoken by Drostan or refer to Drostan. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
History, Memory, and Storytelling  Theme Icon
Prologue Quotes

Drostan, who has long known me, has a fine hand with a pen and hopes to write a chronicle about me. This would be an encomium, a book of praise, for his queen. I told him it was a silly notion. […] From what my advisors say, Malcolm Canmore—ceann mór in Gaelic, or big head, two words that suit him—will order his clerics to record Macbeth’s life. Within those pages, they will seek to ruin his deeds and his name. My husband cannot fight for his reputation now. But I am here, and I know what is true.

Related Characters: Gruadh / Rue / Lady Macbeth (speaker), Macbeth, Malcolm mac Duncan, Drostan
Page Number: 2
Explanation and Analysis:
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Drostan Quotes in Lady Macbeth

The Lady Macbeth quotes below are all either spoken by Drostan or refer to Drostan. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
History, Memory, and Storytelling  Theme Icon
Prologue Quotes

Drostan, who has long known me, has a fine hand with a pen and hopes to write a chronicle about me. This would be an encomium, a book of praise, for his queen. I told him it was a silly notion. […] From what my advisors say, Malcolm Canmore—ceann mór in Gaelic, or big head, two words that suit him—will order his clerics to record Macbeth’s life. Within those pages, they will seek to ruin his deeds and his name. My husband cannot fight for his reputation now. But I am here, and I know what is true.

Related Characters: Gruadh / Rue / Lady Macbeth (speaker), Macbeth, Malcolm mac Duncan, Drostan
Page Number: 2
Explanation and Analysis: